MPAJ Business License MPAJ Signboard License MPAJ Building Plan Approval
Majlis Perbandaran Ampang Jaya or most well known as MPAJ administers Ampang, Ulu Klang and other areas. The agency is under the Selangor state government. The council is open for people to apply for business license, signboard license and also renovation building plan approval.
MPAJ Majlis Perbandaran Ampang Jaya Website:
MPAJ Majlis Perbandaran Ampang Jaya Direction :
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Business License
Before any business is being start up, it is a requirement to have a business license so that your business or company is legal. A business license is a permit or an officially recognized by government that a business can operate in Malaysia. Why an individual or business owner need a business license? The reason is very simple. As mention, with business license, you are officially authorized by the government to run your business. So, you do not need to always worry that one day your business will be shut down by the government of any local authority. Beside, a business is normally sell products or offer services to the community. If you do not have a business license, how customers are going to trust in you regarding the products sell and services given? A licensed business will normally sell products that is safe to use and high quality, will the services given will be professional as well.
Therefore, it is needed to apply for business license. To apply for it, procedures that is necessary include of a proper business name, actual business address, your business type, and prepare all related documents. While the requirements may be differ if according to the area you at and the local authority in charge. But some of documents such as identity card's photocopy of applicant, passport size photo of applicant, copy of M&A and Forms 9, 24, and 49 is needed. You may refer to the guideline given by your local authority regarding the actual documents needed. If you think that this is troublesome and time consuming, you are highly welcome to find us as we are now provide License Runner Service which are happy to help you in your business license application. Contact us now for further details!
Signboard License
Not only business license, a signboard also could not be install without applying for signboard license. Same as business license, signboard license also use to protect the business's owner beside public. A signboard is normally install in a place which is easily recognized by public. If without a signboard license, it can't guarantee that the signboard is install in a safe place which could not cause any unpredictable incidents. While applying for signboard license, you need to inform the local authority which place are you going to install your signboard and they will examine whether that particular place is suitable to install a signboard or not. After gain confirmation from them, you do not need to worry anymore that your signboard may cause any incidents and you can operate your business in a piece of mind. Follow this few procedure and you may apply for a signboard license. In first, you must have a premise to run your business, next you will need to have a valid business license as well in order to apply for signboard license.
After you have a valid business license, a few requirements or documents you need to follow in order to apply for signboard license. This include copy of M&A and Form 9, 24, and 49, copy of either the rental agreement or the sale and purchase agreement of the company's business premise, copy of the location plan of the company's business premise, copy of the location plan of the company's business premise, photographs showing the location of the company's signboard, and lastly is samples of the signboard indicating its design and colors is needed. If you do not have sufficient time to apply for signboard license, do not worry! We are now provide License Runner Service which is come to solve your problems. We are here to help you apply for signboard license. Wait no more and contact us now if you need our service!
Renovation Building Plan Approval
Any renovation or any changes that you are going to make towards your building is required a permission or authorization from the local council before the process is start up. Building plan approval, renovation permit or even on partition changes, a permit is necessary to ensure that all the plan are workable and everything will be conduct in a correct manner beside materials use is safe that wouldn't cause any injuries or unsafely. In order to gain a renovation building plan approval, few procedures need to be done. First you need to know which area are you at and who is the local authority in charge. Next you might need to make a trip to your local town council to get the latest renovation guidelines then renovate based on the guideline given. With this, you need to hire a registered architect to draw up your renovation plan.
While the requirement needed to apply for renovation permit include drawing of the renovation, cover letter from an authorized architect / engineer, a copy of the Sales and Purchase Agreement, a copy of the Certificate of Occupancy Fitness, detail information of owner(s) which includes full name as NRIC, address, phone no., NRIC and signature(s), an approval letter from the Technical Department regarding building plan approval, a copy of a temporary title, processing fee in accordance with the Standard / Uniform Buildings By-laws (UUKBS) 1984, a copy of the latest assessment rate receipt, 5 copies of the house or building plan (4 on paper and 1 on linen) that are in order and endorsed by the house/ building owner(s) and an authorized architect / engineer or a registered draftsman, the house/building plans must be colored according to the prescribed color scheme as follow: 'Red for new renovation / extension works, Blue for demolition works (renovation and extension purposes), Original works on the house/building need not be coloured', 1 set of reinforced concrete framework plan with the structural calculation and a guarantee letter on the durability of the said structure that is endorsed by an authorized engineer (Applicable to double-storey buildings), detail information of the Registered Architect/ Engineer which includes full name, address, phone no. and signature and it must have the official stamp/ seal and another stamp indicating that the said party is accountable in conformity to Para 3 (1C) of the Standard / Uniform Buildings By-laws (UUKBS) 1984, a completely filled Form A, endorsed by an authorized architect or a registered architect, 5 copies of the building plan consisting of : 'A key plan, A site plan, A floor plan, Elevation plans (Front, Rear and Side), A Sanitary and Plumbing Layout plan, Ventilation and lighting calculation'. Applying for renovation building plan approval may seems to be easy but it is very hard to manage a sufficient time to apply for it. Do not worry about it as we are provide Runner Service which are here to help you in getting your renovation building plan approval.
Feel free to contact us if you need our service.