Since 2015 until now, Having 2.3k Customers, Over 3.8k Successfully Submitted

MPS License Application Service

At begining, MPSepang was known as the Sepang Town Board and was later known as Sepang District Board. Sepang District Board. On 13 November 2002 the Executive Committee of Selangor has upgraded the board’s status to Sepang Municipal Council; as certified by the Election Committee in an official letter dated 7 May 2004 and also by the Ministry of Housing and Local Government on 19 March 2004. As a local municipal counci, SEPANG MUNICIPAL COUNCIL is also responsible over the Development Plan and Community Service Plan.

Business license or business premise license is mandatory for individual to start up a business, Beside ensure you operate your business legally, business license also play a role in protect the owner in terms of law. The business wouldn't be shut down suddenly with business license because the business is operating in a correct and legal way, and the products sell or services provided had been authorize by local council.

We as a runner service company which provided the business license, signboard license and also renovation building approval application services for your business. Come and contact us and we will provide you with further information.

Runner Service, License Runner, License Application Service, Licensing Company, Licensing Agent, License Agency, License Submission Service, Apply License Service, Submit License Service,